Monday, June 27, 2011

According to Facebook...

Yesterday Erik and I celebrated our one month anniversary! Although the time seems so miniscule I spose' it's because we were exclusive for almost 3 months before we made it official! (due to my dumb insecurities at the time) LOL So really it's more like a four month-aversary :D Regardless, I am so happy to be with Erik, he is just the sweetest man I have ever met and has the kindest heart! I've finally met my match in the big blue eye department! I love you Archimedes!

Also, Erik and I decided to move in together! We are just so darn twitterpated it's ridiculous! We already have a wish list at Pier 1, Bed Bath & Beyond, and World Market :D  Have a great day to all my readers. More of my writing coming up briefly!
