Sunday, May 29, 2011

Happy Day

My Saturday...started with a car ride & miniature golf....
My Saturday...ended with a car ride & Kinect....
I love blurry/rainy/car pictures :)
I have been so busy lately I have not had a lot of time to write in my journal...which leads to a lack of content for my blog (I'm Sorry) But, I thought I would post a link to tie you over until then! I stumbled across this blog page while blog stalking...YES I am a compulsive blog stalker! It pretty much works like this...I click on a blog I follow, then I click on a blog THEY follow then I notice a featured blog and before I know it...BAM...I have found blog magic! This blog is simply charming! Taza is a super fashionable, madly in love, 23 year old whom I adore <3 enjoy!