Thursday, June 2, 2011

Everybody has a story

Everybody has a story, better yet absolutely everybody has a secret. It does not matter the scale of which the secret is measured. There is no way in which to decide the level of obscurity or priority one secret has over another. A secret simply is. It is yours to hold on to or to let go of. We have them for a number of reasons, shame, embarrassment, guilt, envy, security and many more. Not all secrets are detrimental or life altering some are simply...more light hearted than others! For example, I absolutely think it is the creepiest thing ever when the microwave says "Enjoy" when the time is up. Couldn't explain why except that it makes me think of some evil, overlord, robot, woman, thingy that just cooked my food in her own body cavity.
Yes, I did take the time to alter this picture to apply to my above secret :)
Some secrets are much, much more deep and personal than an irrational fear/dislike of microwave text. Some secrets you simply stumble upon. For example, I had mentioned this once before in my previous blog but never really went into detail about it. While trying to find hidden treasures at a second hand store one day I stumbled across a journal, and being the compulsive freak that I am about collecting journals (even if I already have four at home) I bought it! (by the way 50 cents was a steal) I flipped through it at the store as well as when I got home but what I didn't notice until a few days later was that there was a single entry in the entire book. What makes this entry so intriguing is that it has such honesty to it. It is not at all grammatically correct and you can tell the writer was young which makes it that much more beautiful. I assume said persons journal was probably shuffled to the "Donate" box on accident, but I like to think that it came to me on purpose! 
I will forever keep that entry in my journal!
Actual entry
If you are as enthralled as myself with a sneak peek into others lives even for the slightest of moments then I suggest PostSecret to you. It is a marvelous series of books. Starting out as a controlled social project and developing into a massive worldwide phenomenon people anonymously tell the world their most inner, personal, sad, and a lot of the time funny secrets. No matter the secret you are always drawn in and always left wanting more! (let me warn you they are not cheap but well worth it) They also have a website as well although the books make me feel much more connected to the writer.
I can't tell you how many times I've read my darkest secret from others in that's good to know you are not the only one with the burden of carrying your secret.